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How to write stories and get paid instantly

How to write stories and get paid instantly

How to write stories and get paid instantly



      writers can make money in a lot of different ways, and there is a bigger demand than you might think!

Short stories can be published in a variety of publications and come in many different formats, from flash fiction to romance novels.

There are numerous opportunities to earn money selling short stories for those who enjoy writing them.

but firstly 



A short story is one with a fully developed theme but shorter (often significantly) and less elaborate than a novel. They generally range in length from 500 to 20,000 words.Short stories are usually fiction, but there are outlets that also accept non-fiction stories. For the sake of those who write non-fiction, I’ll let you know where you can sell these pieces too!


The most popular short fiction genre tends to be science fiction and fantasy.

There is a very large market for these types of writing, so there are many outlets looking to buy.

Other popular short story genres include:

  • Erotica

  • Romance and love

  • Speculative fiction

  • Horror and ghost

  • Crime and mystery.

That is not to say that ‘modern stories with a twist’ or ‘slice of life stories’ cannot be sold either.

When you are good at what you do, there will be plenty of opportunities.



One way to help land short story writing gigs is to make sure you show up online when a potential client searches your name. Here's what Will Hatton from The Broke Backpacker has to say about self-promotion online: "I know that when somebody pitches me, if I am intrigued by the pitch, the first thing I tend to do is google that person’s name to see what I can find on them. Specifically, I look for examples of past work they have done. 

Certainly, I feel I’ve probably scored many of the writing opportunities I’ve gained because I’m fairly visible online - if somebody does a search on my name, they will find my site and a big list of where I’ve been published before.

I don’t, however, do anything really with social media, and I think these days, people search on Instagram when researching somebody just as much, if not more, than Google. Therefore, it definitely does make sense to have a professional-looking Instagram that links out to examples of your published writing."What types of publishers are buying short stories?

Magazines, blogs, and newspapers (check out cool newspaper name ideas here) have to publish every day and are always on the lookout for skilled, talented writers.

Here are some of the different types of outlets where you can sell short stories.

  1. Magazines And Blogs

The largest buyers for those selling short stories are online magazines, news sites, and blogs. This is where most of the opportunities are found.

There are both small niche publishers and large publications accepting submissions year-round.

Here are just a couple of examples:


The New Yorker is one of the most prestigious literary magazines that publishes short fiction. While they don't disclose exact payment rates, The New Yorker is known to pay very well for accepted short stories, often amounting to thousands of dollars. 

They purchase first serial rights, meaning the story cannot have been published elsewhere before. 

Payment is made upon publication in the magazine. 

And for established and emerging writers alike, having a short story published in The New Yorker is considered a huge accomplishment and financial win.


The Sun Magazine is a well-regarded literary journal that publishes short fiction, poetry, and essays. For short stories, they typically pay around $300-$500 for first serial rights.

Payment is made on acceptance rather than publication. 

And The Sun Magazine has a relatively high pay rate compared to many literary journals, making it an attractive market for writers looking to earn income from their short fiction. The magazine has a strong reputation and getting published in Sun can provide good exposure for writers as well as fair compensation.


Medium is a popular online publishing platform that lets writers monetize their work through its Partner Program. Writers can publish short stories on Medium and earn money based on how many viewer engagements (reads, claps) their stories receive.

The payment is calculated through Medium's complex formula that factors in paid member engagement - so, writers don't get paid for stories read by non-paying users.

While publishing short stories on Medium doesn't guarantee payment upfront, writers who build an audience on the platform can earn recurring income from reader subscriptions. Successful writers on Medium can make anywhere from a few dollars to thousands per month from short story publications.

The keys are consistently producing high-quality work, building a following, and taking advantage of Medium's tools for writer monetization. Overall, it provides an avenue for short story writers to get paid, albeit through a non-traditional model.

  1. Kindle Books And eBooks

Kindle books, or writing stories for Amazon, are growing in popularity as an avenue to sell stories online. This way, you can retain ownership of your work and have greater control over the publishing process.

When it comes to Amazon and Kindle, there are individual consumers who are ready and willing to pay for good short stories published under your name.

  1. Podcasts and Radio Shows

There are podcasts dedicated to telling short stories. Your freelance writing does not only need to be a published article as text!

For example, This American Life, one of the largest podcasts in the world, is essentially just telling short, non-fiction, stories. There are also many smaller podcasts dedicated to telling short stories on every topic imaginable.



We've put together a huge list of writing sites to submit short stories for money.

Some of these outlets are large publications with a major readership, while others are small niche sites with a loyal following nonetheless.

It's about discovering which would be more receptive to your short story genre and writing style.

The first 3 writing sites I’m listing are actually platforms for finding opportunities to sell short stories. These are services that display requests from publishers looking for short story writers.




where to sell short stories for money

Similar to the previous sites, The Grinder is a helpful site for short story writers.

The tools available will enable you to track submissions and find markets for your work.

Many of the results will include non-paying or very low-paying writing jobs, so make sure you know what you're signing up for!



get paid to write short stories

Readers Digest needs no introduction, but did you know they are accepting short story submissions?

These aren't any old short stories, they're super short stories of 100 words or less!

Getting published in Reader's Digest would be a good way to start selling your writing!



One Story is a non-profit literary magazine that publishes short fiction stories. They also have a companion magazine called One Teen Story that accepts submissions by teens.

When your submission is accepted by One Story, they pay writers $500. 

Short story submission guidelines for One Story include works between 3,000 and 8,000 words and "stories that leave readers feeling satisfied and are strong enough to stand alone". 

. Netcontacts Nigeria

Whether you decide to make submissions to short story publishers or to self-publish on Amazon will depend on your situation.www.netcontacts.com.ng

There are so many options for where to sell short stories, especially when you consider those first three platforms. Duotrope, Poets and Writers, and The Grinder have many more examples of websites, magazines, and podcasts that are accepting submissions (you may also be interested in this list of podcast submission sites).www.netcontacts.com.ng

Many writing sites allow you to submit stories that have been submitted elsewhere as well, giving you greater opportunity to be published.